Go to the Utilities and Billing Page on the Website -click here: https://bluelake.ca.gov/public-works/utilities-billing/
There is a green link that will take you to a secure payment screen.
There is also a PDF Guide – How to Make an Online Payment
A Credit/Debit Card convenience fee applies – It is $3.00 for purchase up to $113.00 or 2.65% for amounts over $113.00.
You can still mail checks to P.O. Box 458 Blue Lake CA 95525
You can still put checks in the White Drop Box in the parking lot. (please include the payment stub so we can credit the correct account)
Paying by Cash: You may pay by cash by putting your water /sewer payment stub and the exact amount you owe in an envelope and put it in the Mail Slot by the Front Door. We can email you a receipt or supply one upon request.