Blue Lake City Council

Council Commissions

Maddy Act

At the end of each calendar year, the City Clerk publishes a list of all appointments to regular and ongoing commissions which are appointed by the City Council.  This is done pursuant to the Maddy Act, Government Code Section 54970. This list will be posted at the local library branch and online, and updated when needed.

Parties interested in filling vacancies need to fill out a Council / Commission / Committee Application (see below) and return to City Hall.

Maddy Act Notice & Commission List

2023 Commission Application


Council Commissions

Commission members are appointed by the City Council. To join a commission, you need to live in or work in the City of Blue Lake or the sphere of influence. Applications are available at City Hall during office hours or the link in the Blue Box

Commission Meeting Schedule:

Planning Commission - 3rd Monday at 7 p.m. at Skinner Store

Public Safety Commission - 1st Monday at 7 p.m. at Skinner Store

Economic Development Commission - 2nd Tuesday at 4:30 p.m at the Skinner Store

Parks and Recreation Commission - 1st Wednesday of the Month at 6:30p.m. at Skinner Store

Arts and Heritage Commission- 3rd Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Skinner Store, City Hall or Prasch Hall (the meeting agenda will identify the meeting location.)

Agendas and packets are made available on the individual commission pages, and city council agendas and packets are available on the agendas page no later than 72 hours prior to each regularly scheduled meeting, and 24 hours prior to each special meeting.